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Can You Swim In Jell-O? (Scientific Explanation)

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Jell-O is denser than water, but it depends on the ratio of gelatin to water. If the mixture is too wet, it acts like water, allowing you to swim. If it is too dense, you would be able to lie on the surface or probably become submerged to around your waist or chest.

Let’s expand this topic a bit more for a much clearer understanding of the subject.

Can You Swim Or Drown In Jell-O?

Whether you swim or sink relies on the amount of gelatin dissolved in the water. Gelatin is the substance used to make Jell-O. This substance provides the Jell-O with semi-solid properties. On average, Jell-O packets consists of less than 2 percent gelatin. This ratio is not adequate to maintain the weight of a human. [source]

On the other hand, if you heat the water needed to fill an average-sized pool with Jell-O, the gelatin content would increase to approximately 4 or 5 percent, producing more Jell-O. This amount of Jell-O would be able to support the weight of a human. 

If the individual thrashed around in the Jell-O, causing it to break down around them and become less solid, they would probably stay afloat, similar to the quicksand effect. However, the quicksand effect requires a flow of water

Again, the consistency is crucial, as is the temperature of the Jello mixture. Too soft and at ambient temperature, the individual would sink and find it difficult to resurface. They would probably drown or at least asphyxiate. What is noteworthy here is that many people would begin to panic, thus increasing the likelihood of drowning. There have been some interesting doubts going around swimming, so if you would like to consider knowing the weirdest question asked about swimming then you would laugh and be literate at the same time.

How To Fill A Pool With Jell-O?

The methods to accomplish this feat depend on the size pool. However, swimming is the focus, and the concentration will be on an average-sized swimming pool. It would require approximately 2,000 gallons of kerosene to provide the necessary heat for the Jell-O. Also, the weather needs to be cold but not freezing for the Jell-O to set adequately.

  1. First, heat the Jell-O to a temperature above 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Add the Jell-O to the swimming pool layer by layer so that each layer has the time to cure appropriately. 
  3. No stirring should occur once the Jell-O is in the pool so that curing can take place.
  4. It should take about one week to fill an average-size swimming pool with Jell-O, using six (6) 55-gallon drums of Jell-O.

Currently on the market are packets of Jell-O crystals that make Jell-O pools the size of a kiddie pool by adding 100 gallons of water per package of crystals. There is no heating or refrigeration necessary. The product does not melt, and the longer it is allowed to set, the firmer and larger chunks of Jell-O it produces. The minimum recommendation is two hours for the curing process to be adequate.

Can You Walk In A Pool Of Jell-O?

It would be challenging to walk in a pool of Jell-O, as it might be too thick for humans to slice through the mixture. 

However, walking on the surface of the Jell-O would be possible once the Jell-O mixture was firm enough. If it is dense enough, it could, in theory, support the weight of a human walking along the surface. 

Can You Swim In Chocolate Pudding?

In theory, individuals would most likely float in the chocolate pudding because the relative density is less than regular water. 

Swimming would be difficult but possible. The viscosity of the chocolate is more substantial than water, allowing it not to become deformed quickly, meaning that acceleration would be slower.

Diving in the chocolate pudding would also be retarded because of the buoyancy. Orientating yourself would also be a challenge once you are under the surface. 

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