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Can You Swim In Miami In December?

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People enjoying the Biscayne Beach in Miami, Florida, USA
People enjoying the Biscayne Beach in Miami, Florida, USA

Yes, you can swim in Miami in December with no problem since the water temperatures are great all year round, going from 23.7° C and 25.8° C on average.

Even during the wintertime, people can enjoy the mild/fresh weather in Miami, have an incredible swimming experience, and have fun doing different water activities with their family and friends.

The only disadvantage of swimming in Miami in December is that prices are high since everyone goes on vacation, and beaches are crowded with people during this time.

Best Time for Swimming in Miami

However, the best time to go swimming in Miami is definitely during the late winter and the entire spring, from February to May.

During these months, the water temperature is perfect for swimming, and you can find better prices for your entire trip since the high season is ending at this time. This also means fewer people around in Miami, allowing you to move more freely when you get there.

In Florida: Can You Swim in Destin in April? (Is it the Best Month?)

Is More Affordable to Swim in Miami

If you want to save as much money as possible during your trip, you can stay at a hotel where you only pay from $80 to $200, depending on your accommodations.

You can also go to a high-class resort where you can get a five-star treatment and have more options for entertainment during your trip. In this case, you only need to pay from $150 to $500 per day, making it an ideal place for higher earners.

Is Miami Safer to Swim in?

During this time, you can also avoid the hurricane season that comes to the coast of Miami from June 1st to November 30, making your trip safer and less risky overall.

This will allow you to swim in Miami without worrying about the danger of the strong currents in the water, the heavy rain during the day, and other weather conditions created by the hurricanes at this time of the year.

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